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This is not just a book, but a practical manual.
That is why Helena has prepared these excellent downloadable, printable free resources for you:

  • Timetables for Weeks 1 – 22 on the Velocity Ascension programme
  • Table of Chakra Characteristics in the 7th Dimension
  • Table of Celestial Beings for the Heart Chakra
  • Table of the Ascended Masters, their Qualities and Retreats
  • Table of the Human Energy Field in the 5th Dimension
  • Chart of Common Health Ailments, Causes and Actions to Take
  • Chart of Chakras and Celestial Guardians
  • Table of the World's 99 Great Cosmic Portals


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(Paperback version coming soon.)

   Haven't Bought the Book Yet?
Here's Some Information About It

• What is your life purpose?    • Why are you here?
• How can you bring love, financial security, health and happiness into your life?
• How can you work with Source and the celestial kingdom to transform the world?

Velocity Ascension is your personal invitation to step across the threshold of the mysterious and the magnificent, and take an active part of the rise of the Golden Age in the 21st Century.

A work channelled directly from our Creator, Velocity Ascension asks you to suspend your disbelief in order to experience something beautiful and potentially life- and world-changing. This book gives you the inspiration and guidance – as well as a wealth of exercises and visualisations – to help you attain rapid spiritual growth in the context of the 21st Century.

Just as the Creator does not belong to a single religion and is the Source of All, Velocity Ascension is not intended as replacement for religious books you might hold dear from other spiritual paths. Rather, it speaks across all religions, uniting all humanity as One in Unconditional Love.


Visit the Velocity Ascension Website